我说, 要勇于探索未知的世界, 要破墙走向世界. 下面一个留言说:

You think that visiting Wikipedia is ok for you, but actually it’s not ok for everyone in China. Most Chinese people don’t share the same level of understanding as you. This civilization is still too easy to fall into the victim of.. have you ever heard of this:

_The great mass of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a small one.

– Adolf Hitler_

You assume that every Chinese is as smart as you are, and they wouldn’t fall into lies. That’s not right. Even Hitler himself was elected by people.


你认为访问 Wikipedia 是没什么问题, 可是实际上如果让每个中国人都能访问Wiki并不好. 大多数中国人没有你的理解能力, 我们的文明很容易被成为一些谎言的受害者, 或许你听过这个:

大部分人更加容易被弥天大谎而不是小谎所蒙蔽 — 希特勒

你假设所有中国人和你都一样聪明, 他们不会被谎言蒙蔽. 实际上这个不对, 希特勒自己也是民选的.

面对这种言论, 我无法辩论.