在美国的这些天,总的来说感觉不错。我左右研究了好多Blog 托管商,最后还是决定把家放在这里。以前发表的文章,我会慢慢收集。然后把Googlepages 做成静态的页面。
过一段时间,我有可能会购买静态IP, 开始我的小网站了。
I am feeling nice these days in the United States of America. I’ve studied a lot of BSPs, and finally decide to make this my Blog home. (I’ve heard that the user from mainland now can access Blogger.com). I will collect all of my post in different bsp before and try to classify them. BTW, I will make Googlepages the pure static page so that I can post my CV, etc. on it.
I am planning to buy a static IP address so that I can start my Web 2.1
Without DC, I can not record my life, when I have sufficient money, maybe I will buy a leica, or SLR.