- 看到Peter Norvig 一句话:
So my advice to you is to pick one of the 10,000 categories, or invent category number 10,001, and make some progress in it. Pick problems that are ambitious enough that your expected value over the next 20 years is at least your $3.4M/yr share. But worry about the value you produce, not just the money. America’s first great scientist, Ben Franklin, said “we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours”. So be happy and productive, don’t be evil, and be glad of an opportunity to serve others.
赚钱和事业两全其美, 真的是极品人生了. 金钱这个东西的确是随着事业的成功而来的.
推荐大家去看看Zhiqiang 这一篇: 我们为什么懒惰 & 自我妨碍. 我发现自己也有类似的情况, 从今天起, 要调整. 写个计划下次贴Blog上, 按时把某些事情做好, 做完美, 让全世界人民监督. 人走了一段路, 上不上下不下的时候, 特别不能自我妨碍.
再次感谢国内某美女同学不远万里通过各种方式把大白兔奶糖送到我手中. 我琢磨着下次回国要是不带相同重量的 Lancôme 似乎也太对不起人家了.
买了双Crocs, 一条Levi’s Capital E, 一个滑板车. 小资也好, 奢侈也罢, 反正觉得好看就买了. 大放血的一个原因是是上个月检查了一下身体某部件, 居然花掉200美元. 我只要不生病, 这200美元干啥健康快乐的事情都行, 想到这里, 就大手大脚又刷了200美元信用卡. (有我这么变态的实现心里平衡的么?)