[Background: GFW is the firewall build by Chinese government, which can block wikipedia, gmail, googlepages and a lot of useful websites when you want to surf on the Internet in China]

GFW is funny now. You can not access gmail, but you can access wiki.

But, GFW can not block HTTPS, so you can try this link to access gmail:

[[Background: GFW is the firewall build by Chinese government, which can block wikipedia, gmail, googlepages and a lot of useful websites when you want to surf on the Internet in China]

GFW is funny now. You can not access gmail, but you can access wiki.

But, GFW can not block HTTPS, so you can try this link to access gmail:


Again, try this to access wikipedia.


GFW is funny. Come on, GFW, can you tell me a list of websites besides playboy that you usually block? You know, you are just like a kid, you even can not tell what kind of candy you want and what kind of toy you DO NOT like. You just find a toy, play it, and block it or allow it. But no one knows exactly what kind of website you like.

Oh, come on, who can tell me the G-point of GFW?

[说句少儿不宜的话:“谁都摸不到GFW的G点”。这句话不是我首创,是借用连岳先生一篇“谁都摸不到GDP的G点”, 得了,咱们英明的党做事,什么时候让咱小民摸到过G点的。要爽的同志在家自己带Tor 自己爽,f**k GFW的时候千万不要试图找G点。这个这个都是教训呀]